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Building a butterfly garden in our school

According to the Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (CBMS) the population of butterflies in Catalonia has gone down by a 70% in the last 30 years. One of our butterfly species has been extinct and 12 other are in danger of extinction. Our Community Action Goal is to build a butterfly garden in our school so we can help mitigate the loss of pollinators in our area and contribute to its biodiversity.

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What are the best plants for our butterfly garden?

Lots of plants can attract pollinators, but only a few of them are good for our butterfly garden. We need them to be local, to stand long and severe droughts, and to attract butterflies

What species of butterflies are there around the school? 

Today there are 203 different species of butterflies in Catalonia, but how many of them can we find around our school?

We learned to catch them without hurting them and we used Google Lens, printed copies of Constantí Stefanescu's butterfly guides and the CBMS website to identify them. 

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How do you build a butterfly garden? 

Butterflies like the heat and the sun. We need a space with no shadow, close to nature and also close to the school, so we can maintain the garden and observe the butterflies


We can measure the impact by observing the amount of butterflies that come to our garden and by the amount of visits of this website. We would be very happy if another school copies this project and builds their own butterfly garden

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