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Building the garden

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Sep 1: Remove weeds

Before planting we need to pull the weeds. Make sure you pull them straight and gently so you don't leave any roots behind. Also, it is very important that the soil drains well and does not damp. These plants need lots of sun and not too much humidity

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Step 2: Prepare the soil

We just watered the soil and then loosened the soil with a hoe. This will help the roots breathe and make room for themselves. It will also help worms and other microbes grow, and this will help the plants.

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Sep 3: Plant

We removed the flowerpots and made holes for every plants. We spaced them about 30 cm apart from each other.

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Our garden is low-maintenance. It needs very little water and is located right next to our classroom. We can go on holidays and not worry about it, because the plants we chose are local and drought resistant. 

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