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Contributing to food security for homeless people in Girona

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Project stages

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Learning about the issue

Som Sostre helps homeless people in the city to get nutritious food and some affection in a hostile environment. Cristian Lienlaff, founder of Som Sostre, taught our students about the needs of his organisation.

Setting up a campaign

This might have been the most delicate and complex campaign we have done. It had to be specific for Girona, dignify homeless people and make them visible, promote solidarity and denounce gentrification.

Institutional partnership

Some of the projects in our school count with extra funding from private and public institutions. They are our sponsors.

It is time for us to give back to our community and partner with Som Sostre. Becoming a partner is easy and affordable.


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Taking Action

Would you give your time on a sunny Saturday afternoon to help people in need? Our students did. Two volunteers of Som Sostre and Pau and Ricardo, who live in the street, taught them to prepare nutritious food for the people in need.

Food distribution

Only adults could take part in the food distribution at night in Girona, so our teachers helped other volunteers of the organisation to distribute the food.

Som Escola

The future of our project already has a name: Som Escola. A network of schools partnering with Som Sostre, joining our project and starting new ones.

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We are on the news!

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Participating institutions

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